To install, add the following dependency to your project or build file:
[com.github.damn/gdl "main-SNAPSHOT"]
Starts a dev loop using in order to restart the app without restarting the JVM. Also starts an nrepl server which will keep up even between app crashes and restarts.
An immutable animation defrecord (plain map) for passing image objects to 'frames'.
Convinience functions operating on
Public variables and functions:
Public variables and functions:
- a
- alt-left
- alt-right
- any-key
- apostrophe
- at
- b
- back
- backslash
- backspace
- button-a
- button-b
- button-c
- button-circle
- button-l1
- button-l2
- button-mode
- button-r1
- button-r2
- button-select
- button-start
- button-thumbl
- button-thumbr
- button-x
- button-y
- button-z
- c
- call
- camera
- caps-lock
- center
- clear
- colon
- comma
- control-left
- control-right
- d
- del
- down
- dpad-center
- dpad-down
- dpad-left
- dpad-right
- dpad-up
- e
- end
- endcall
- enter
- envelope
- equals
- escape
- explorer
- f
- f1
- f10
- f11
- f12
- f13
- f14
- f15
- f16
- f17
- f18
- f19
- f2
- f20
- f21
- f22
- f23
- f24
- f3
- f4
- f5
- f6
- f7
- f8
- f9
- focus
- forward-del
- g
- grave
- h
- headsethook
- home
- i
- insert
- j
- k
- l
- left
- left-bracket
- m
- max-keycode
- media-fast-forward
- media-next
- media-play-pause
- media-previous
- media-rewind
- media-stop
- menu
- meta-alt-left-on
- meta-alt-on
- meta-alt-right-on
- meta-shift-left-on
- meta-shift-on
- meta-shift-right-on
- meta-sym-on
- minus
- mute
- n
- notification
- num
- num-0
- num-1
- num-2
- num-3
- num-4
- num-5
- num-6
- num-7
- num-8
- num-9
- num-lock
- numpad-0
- numpad-1
- numpad-2
- numpad-3
- numpad-4
- numpad-5
- numpad-6
- numpad-7
- numpad-8
- numpad-9
- numpad-add
- numpad-comma
- numpad-divide
- numpad-dot
- numpad-enter
- numpad-equals
- numpad-left-paren
- numpad-multiply
- numpad-right-paren
- numpad-subtract
- o
- p
- page-down
- page-up
- pause
- period
- pictsymbols
- plus
- pound
- power
- print-screen
- q
- r
- right
- right-bracket
- s
- scroll-lock
- search
- semicolon
- shift-left
- shift-right
- slash
- soft-left
- soft-right
- space
- star
- switch-charset
- sym
- t
- tab
- u
- unknown
- up
- v
- volume-down
- volume-up
- w
- x
- y
- z
An implementation of Bresenham line drawing algorithm for casting rays on a two dimensional array.
Public variables and functions:
API for using com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2 with clojure [x y] vectors.
Public variables and functions: